This the second week I living at city of Liverpool, I consider myself now part of liverpool community! Living outside is a challenge to me, from day to day the challenge getting bigger and I started to feel irritating and disgust with particular human being, Human is always a selfish living being but the way they act and speak has always leave me with a big question marks. This moment I really can't tell which of them is black or white, Their intention, selfishness, and sadistic side of them has make me become even more cautious when speaking with any of them, gggrrrrrr can I drawn a clear line with them? Sometime what you see might not be as what you were thinking, the most wonderful and lovely thing you seeing might be rotten and stink inside. What can i said? Human being sometime could be worst than a stray dog..
God is fair to everyone =)
what goes around will come around~
haha those peeps make up the pieces of our lives! glad to c u in liverpool now, r u studying there?